Lost cards or possessions abroad

Lost your cards abroad ?

If you lose your cards abroad, you lose both the telephone number on the back of the card and the ability to dial an 0844 or similar number. Luckily MoneySavingExpert.Com offers a facility, to allow you to quickly compile virtually all the telephone numbers you need in one go at CardsGone.Com.

Behind this facility the same site also presents a table of telephone numbers for virtually every imaginable type of card you might lose: from AA and store cards to credit and debit cards. The table can be accessed here.

Also, you may be reassured to know that several banks will allow you to report your problems to them, having reversed the charges via an overseas operator.

Your money or possessions are lost or stolen abroad

The Citizens Advice Bureau has a page dedicated to this subject here.

You may also like to check out our other travel emergency and advice pages, which include international numbers for the UK's different police forces and other emergency contact information

Closing note

Losing possessions abroad can be massively inconvenient and distressing. When it comes to making an insurance claim do not just look to your travel insurance but remember any other insurance you might also have that may also cover you. For example, household insurance can often be useful.

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