
Securitycheck.uk is still in early development. If you could assist us we would be most grateful.

The aim is for securitycheck.uk to become a useful portal serving all aspects of UK security and safety information, news and discussion, to be used by individuals from across society.

The idea emerged after having to assist several frail relatives in their times of need and discovering that useful information was available via the Internet, but was scattered across many different sites and not easy to access. Some early experiments in 2014 were shelved before being picked up recently. The aim now is to create an environment which welcomes in additional resources and ultimately realizes a nationally useful portal by 2018.

Any content contributions which can add to the site's usefulness without copyright or fairness problems are welcome. All used contributions will be acknowledged along with links as requested.

If you think you may have something to offer, we would gratefully appreciate your assistance.

Securitycheck.uk can also help eliminate waste by councils and businesses through duplication of security and safety advice, and ensure that what there is, actually gets out to its target audiences.

The contents of this about page will change as more effort is put into securitycheck.uk. You can contact us either via the contact form at the bottom of the home page or via (formatted to avoid spamming robots)  secheckuk AT gmail DOT com.

Thank you.

S & B


This is a backup to securitycheck.co.uk (click here).

This Google Blogger site is being prepared to act as a backup to deliver key live feeds relating to police, fire and traffic news, plus key reference links, when emergencies or overloads, take down the main sites at securitycheck.co.uk and elsewhere.

It will also, in time, service specific audiences with more targeted posts.

For full service, go to the main site, but remember to bookmark relevant regional pages on this site for emergencies, when the main site may be overloaded.

BEWARE, THIS site is called securitycheckuk.blogspot.com. There is another site called securitycheck.blogspot.com, which is completely different.