Power Cuts and Emergencies

In the event of a power cut or emergency you have to contact your DNO (Distribution Network Operator) if you want to exchange useful information. This list of DNOs below was copied from the National Grid's page at www2.nationalgrid.com/UK/Safety/Power-cut/ on 25 June 2014 and may be updated or refined later.

Electrical safety and first aid

For electrical safety first aid advice, do not hesitate to dial 999 in a life threatening emergency. If the problem is to do with an electrified railway line, National Rail's emergency number is 08457 11 41 41. Less urgent safety advice is available from the Electrical Safety council at electricalsafetyfirst.org.uk/guides-and-advice/around-the-home/first-aid/

Another post deals provides information on electricians and electrical work


Electricity DNOs by region of coverage: with emergency numbers

North Scotland 
Scottish & Southern Energy 
Emergency: 0800 300 999
General Enquiries: 0800 048 3515
South Scotland 
Scottish Power
Emergency: 0845 272 7999
General Enquiries: 0845 273 4444
North East England
Northern Powergrid 
Emergency: 0800 668 877
General Enquiries: 0845 070 7172
Access live power cut information for the Northern Powergrid area online (enter your postcode).
North West 
Electricity North West
Emergency: 0800 195 4141
General Enquiries: 0800 048 1820
Northern Powergrid 
Emergency: 0800 375 675
General Enquiries: 0845 602 4453
Access live power cut information for the Northern Powergrid area online (enter your postcode).
East Midlands 
Western Power Distribution
Emergency: 0800 056 8090
General Enquiries: 0800 096 3080
West Midlands 
Western Power Distribution
Emergency: 0800 328 1111
General Enquiries: 0800 096 3080
Eastern England 
UK Power Networks
Emergency: 0800 783 8838
General Enquiries: 0845 601 4516
Access live power cut information for the UK Power Networks area online (enter your postcode).
South Wales 
Western Power Distribution
Emergency: 0800 052 0400
General Enquiries: 0845 601 3341
Southern England 
Scottish & Southern Energy
Emergency: 0800 072 7282
General Enquiries: 0800 048 3516
UK Power Networks
Emergency: 0800 028 0247
General Enquiries: 0845 601 4516
Access live power cut information for the UK Power Networks area online (enter your postcode).
South East England
UK Power Networks
Emergency: 0800 783 8866
General Enquiries: 0845 601 4516
Access live power cut information for the UK Power Networks area online (enter your postcode).
South West England
Western Power Distribution
Emergency: 0800 365 900
General Enquiries: 0845 601 2989
North Wales, Merseyside and Cheshire
Scottish Power 
Emergency: 0845 272 2424
General Enquiries: 0845 273 4444
Notes to this section.
This list was copied because the last thing anyone wants when they are having a power cut, their router is out of action and their only Internet connection is a smartphone running rapidly out of energy, is to waste time looking for this essential information. It is for the exact same reason that there are no images on this page either.

End (of this page)

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