Useful Links, T - Z

These listings are subject to revision according to feedback and periodic research.
Check through regularly as you might be surprised at what new useful links you find.

Telephone Preference Service - reduce unsolicited calls!
From the TPS website: 'The Telephone Preference Service (TPS) is a free service. It is the official central opt out register on which you can record your preference not to receive unsolicited sales or marketing calls. It is a legal requirement that all organisations (including charities, voluntary organisations and political parties) do not make such calls to numbers registered on the TPS unless they have your consent to do so.  '

Unfortunately signing up to TPS does not free you from all spam calls, as may are made from overseas or by rogue operators. Spam texts are also not covered. More details are on the TPS website. There are various other technology and procedural solutions to help lower problems of inbound nuisance calls and texts and a dedicated post covering this subject will be researched and prepared (using the label nuisance calls) later.

Tradesmen (Building) checks & safety (sub-list)
The Competent Persons Register (CPR) is at:
This is a one-stop-service to check or find ‘competent persons’ for electrics, glazing, gas, heating, insulation, roofing, plumbing, ventilation and air conditioning works
The CPR also offers a downloadable 6 page leaflet for people considering building words, repairs and replacements to their home at:
For those seeking an in depth understanding of all the different trades certification schemes, the government's page on this is at:
A detailed exploration of how these schemes apply to electrical trades is also presented at the bottom of this site's Electricity page.  

Trading Standards:
Multiple offices across the nation, usually administered by local authorities, offer advice on a wide range of consumer problems

Transport safety (Sub-list)
British Transport Police number = 0800 40 50 40
See also Railway safety (above)
In due course a dedicated road, travel and trip safety page may be prepared with additional links 

This is a stub to be developed - suggestions welcomed

Victim Support:
Support and advice for victims of or witnesses to crime. Tel 0845 30 30 900 (Dial 141 if you want to hide your number) is normally open M-F, 8-8, Sat & Sun 9-7 and 9-5 Bank Holidays

A great way to do something rewarding, to give back to community and to meet others.  Do-it maintains a national database of thousands of volunteering opportunities. Volunteering England; Volunteer Scotland, Volunteering Wales and Volunteering Matters offer additional means to find 
volunteering opportunities in your area.

Waste - fly tipped or illegally dumped
Here is a government page offering some advice on what to do

Water safety (Sub-list)
Canal & River Trust: offers safety and training resources, with additional related information for families, teachers, group leaders and volunteers
RoSPA resources include: and 'Water safety for children and young people':
Floodline 24/7 from the Environment Agency = 0345 988 1188 (type talk 0345 602 6430)
Environmental hazards and incident hotline (Environment Agency)  24/7 =  0800 80 70 60 
A government advice page on flooding and burst mains can be found here

Women’s Aid & Rights (Sub-list) :
Legal advice line 020 7251 64577 open at various times throughout the week
A dedicated sexual violence line 020 7251 8887 is also open part of Monday & Tuesday : 24hr helpline = 0808 2000247 : 24hr helpline = 0808 8010800

These listings are subject to revision according to feedback and periodic research.
Check through regularly as you might be surprised at what new useful links you find.

Thank you

This is a backup to (click here).

This Google Blogger site is being prepared to act as a backup to deliver key live feeds relating to police, fire and traffic news, plus key reference links, when emergencies or overloads, take down the main sites at and elsewhere.

It will also, in time, service specific audiences with more targeted posts.

For full service, go to the main site, but remember to bookmark relevant regional pages on this site for emergencies, when the main site may be overloaded.

BEWARE, THIS site is called There is another site called, which is completely different.