Professional scammers hide their intentions brilliantly! |
A rather basic video was uploaded by Sandwell Council in June 14 - essentially some graphics and narrative stating that there are scams to target everyone and that, if you come across one it is useful if you contact actionfraud. The video is at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WdGpKmJR3Qw and it not presented here as, when searching for an embed code YouTube stated it was unlisted - that the uploader would prefer it not to be shared. This seems odd for a video produced with public money .. and it was discovered on http://avoidonlinescams.net/resources/, esentially a listing of 3rd party resrouces on scams (already captured here) put up or sponsored by Ukash /Smart Voucher Limited (with copyright!).
A better fraud resources site looks to be http://content.met.police.uk/Site/fraudalert
Copyright for this is apparently vested in ©
Mayor's Office for Policing and Crime 2014 - to be contacted in due course
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