Safeguarding elderly people from abuse and neglect

An elderly person's hand, courtesy of

There is a 40 page 'factsheet' of this title available from Age UK here as a .pdf document. It states:
This factsheet is designed to explain the new laws on safeguarding adults and to help you decide what to do if you know an older person who is being abused or neglected or who may be at risk of abuse or neglect. Whether you know the individual involved as a professional carer, relative, neighbor or friend, you may have an important role to play in helping to safeguard them
The document is dated May 2015.

Relevant links and telephone numbers:

Age UK Information & Advice = 0800 169 2081
Action on Elder Abuse = 0808 808 8141
Alzheimer's Society = 0300 222 1122 (9-8 M-F & 10-4 S&S)

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To find out about a needs assessment by social services, you can use these links to access the relevant local authority contacts:

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