9 ways to spot a real Euro note

This well produced film by Sam Ross-Gower, quickly summarizes some of the key security features in Euro bank notes. Beware however that fakers can also produce holograms and other seemingly reassuring features and that ultimate security rests on a mix of overall look and feel, plus detail.

For more information on Euro coins and notes, check out this post here.

This is a backup to securitycheck.co.uk (click here).

This Google Blogger site is being prepared to act as a backup to deliver key live feeds relating to police, fire and traffic news, plus key reference links, when emergencies or overloads, take down the main sites at securitycheck.co.uk and elsewhere.

It will also, in time, service specific audiences with more targeted posts.

For full service, go to the main site, but remember to bookmark relevant regional pages on this site for emergencies, when the main site may be overloaded.

BEWARE, THIS site is called securitycheckuk.blogspot.com. There is another site called securitycheck.blogspot.com, which is completely different.