Change Checker: for when your cash coins are more than just money

The above video is from Change Checker, who also have a we site at, from where it is possible to learn about their app, for those who collect, rather than spend current coins.

Though not central to UK security and safety, as Change Checker helps inform about UK coins, it also helps combat counterfeiting and therefore fits within the cash-money series of posts here.

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This Google Blogger site is being prepared to act as a backup to deliver key live feeds relating to police, fire and traffic news, plus key reference links, when emergencies or overloads, take down the main sites at and elsewhere.

It will also, in time, service specific audiences with more targeted posts.

For full service, go to the main site, but remember to bookmark relevant regional pages on this site for emergencies, when the main site may be overloaded.

BEWARE, THIS site is called There is another site called, which is completely different.