Latest curated Tweets from British Tansport Police; Citizen aid; The National Crime Agency & Terrorism Police UK, details below*
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Tweets about ntx OR citizenaid OR key OR major OR emergency OR incident OR incidents OR bureau OR warning OR suspicious OR terror OR danger from:TerrorismPolice OR from:NCA_UK OR from:BTP OR from:ThecitizenAID
*The above Twitter widget uses a tailored search of @BTP @NCA_UK @TerrorismPolice & @ThecitizenAID. Whilst the aim is to eliminate unimportant Tweets, this is not perfect. Suggestions welcome.
This post acts as an emergency back-up to this section on Securitycheck's main site, here
For a wider array of feeds, posts and reference information, check out the main site.
Links to other live feeds on this site, regions depicted in map, below
- London
- South East
- South West
- East
- Wales
- West Midlands
- East Midlands
- Yorkshire & Humberside
- North West
- North East
- Scotland
- Islands: NI + G + J + IoM
- British Transport Police + National Crime Agency +Terrorism Police + The citizen AID
- GetSafeOnline + National Cybersecurity Centre

Remember also to check out the main site at Click here to get straight to it or on the logo below to open a fesh window