Fire safety at home

This  following13 minute video, prepared by Hampshire Fire Service was uploaded to YouTube in September 2011. At the time of this post being published it had been viewed just under 30,400 times. This is a surprisingly informative video which deserves a much wider audience.

This would be an ideal video for teachers to show classes from years 4 to 10, with a view to discussing the messages it contains. It would work for a host of subjects including  English and Science and, at the same time, pupils will pick up some useful fire safety insights.

Notes on the contents follow:

As with many of these safety videos, it seems to go over the obvious, but being human, we can all benefit from being reminded of this time and again. Among the various areas it covers are: escape routes; using candles; cigarettes (When they say 'smoking safely' they are presumably speaking exclusively with respect to fire avoidance ); cooking; deep fat fryers and pan fires; electrical safety; lighting safety; portable heaters; nighttime safety routines, plus ..

'Stop, Drop and Roll' - 'In the event of clothes catching on fire, stop, drop to the ground and roll around to try and extinguish the flames. If there is a heavy material nearby, lilke a coat or blanket, try to use it to smother the flames' - 'Stop, Drop and Roll'.

Do not allow your home to become overcrowded, identify escape routes for the people in it and  regularly ensure you have WORKING smoke alarms (Test the batteries regularly!).

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